HS 80 Gel Hand Sanitizer (Pail)


Liquid Sanitizer – Ethanol Antiseptic Topical Gel Solution containing ethanol 80% (v/v) Studies show that hand sanitizers work well in clinical settings like hospitals, doctors offices and clinics, where hands come in contact with germs but generally are not heavily soiled or greasy. Sanitizers are safe when used as directed, but they can cause alcohol poisoning if a person swallows more than a couple of mouthfuls.

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Liquid Sanitizer-Ethanol Antiseptic Topical Gel Solution containing ethanol 80% (v/v) Studies show that hand sanitizers work well in clinical settings like hospitals, doctors offices and clinics, where hands come in contact with germs but generally are not heavily soiled or greasy. Sanitizers are safe when used as directed, but they can cause alcohol poisoning if a person swallows more than a couple of mouthfuls.